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2017-2018 Contract Changes

August 31th, 2017

The AMU Bargaining Team finalized negotiations on May 25th, 2017, and our memberss approved our 17-18 CBA with an approval rate of 93.7%! Below are the changes to this year's contract:

  • Evaluation - We have made the evaluation pilot a part of the contract as well as simplified the IGC process.

  • Class Size - We have reduced intervention class sizes to a limit of 27 before ameliatory measures can kick in. The need for those ameliatory measures can be revisited at the quarter and the semester.  The ameliatory measures, like always, will be mutually agreed upon by the affected teacher and the administrator and can include a variety of options.  We agreed to add a new piece of language that specifies monetary compensation: it would be offered at the discretion of the administrator and shall not exceed $280 per quarter.

  • Benefits - Our benefits providers remain unchanged from last year, being: Anthem Vivity, Anthem Full HMO, Anthem PPO, and Kaiser.  The percentage of the premium that members pay will not change, but we have adjusted the plan design slightly.  In order to limit cost increases (for members and for the organization), the following has changed:

    • changing from a 3-tier to a 4-tier pricing structure

      • (individual, individual+1,individual+children*,family) *new 4th tier

    • increase copays for the following elements of the healthcare plan

      • Emergency Room Visit (from $50 to $100)

      • Ambulance Ride (from $0 to $100)

      • Outpatient Surgical (from $10 to $50)

      • In-patient Hospitalization (from $0 to $100)

      • Prescriptions (from $10/$20/$35 to $15/$35/$70)


  • Compensation - For the 17-18 school year, there will be an off-schedule compensation increase that will amount to a 3% salary increase per returning member during the 2017-2018 school year.


If you have any questions on changes to our contract that go into effect this academic year, please feel free to speak to your local site rep., or email our AMU Presdient at:


On behalf of the Bargaining Committee and the AMU Executive Board, we would like to thank you for your support over our past school year. 

Together we BARGAIN! Together we WIN!


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Tel: (213) 725-7358



6095 Bristol Pkwy Suite 100

Culver City, CA 90230

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