Bargaining Updates
Bargaining Update 8
May 7th, 2018
Bargaining Update 8
The AMU and Green Dot Public Schools CA bargaining teams held their final meeting on Monday, May 7th for 2018-2019 contract negotiations. At this meeting, the teams finalized tentative agreements on the following articles:
Article XIII- Grievance Procedures
GDPSC and AMU have tentatively agreed to standardizing the number of days for each level in the grievance process and clarifying calendar vs. work days
GDPSC and AMU have tentatively agreed to a mediation step in the grievance process before action with the Board of Directors
Article XXV Leave Provisions
GDPSC and AMU have tentatively agreed to revisions that allow for member to member donation of days beyond parental leave to include catastrophic leave
GDPSC and AMU have tentatively agreed to a definition of catastrophic leave and the addition of a catastrophic leave “bank” that members can donate to and receive days from
Article XXI - Evaluation
GDPSC and AMU have tentatively agreed to the following:
Revised CRTF (reduced to 20 indicators)
Updated indicators for Groups 1, 2, and 3
Updated lesson plan template
Alternative coaching activities (data analysis, co –planning) as a part of the informal observation
Adding Counselor Evaluation into the contract (previously MOU)
Article XXVI – Teacher/Counselor Salary
GDPSC and AMU have tentatively agreed to the following:
Effective July 1, 2018, the salary schedule shall be increased by three and one-half percent (3.5%).
Effective July 1, 2018, steps 15-19 shall be added to Column 6 only with the following advancements:
15, 17, 19: 1.5% each step
Unit members with more than thirteen (13) years of credentialed service will be placed appropriately on the new steps noted above.
To settle and close Compensation (Article 26) for:
the 2019-2020 school year: effective July 1, 2019, the salary schedule shall be increased by one and one-quarter percent (1.25%); and
the 2020-2021 school year: effective July 1, 2020, the salary schedule shall be increased by one and one-quarter percent (1.25%).
AMU and GDPSC agree to incorporate the terms of the following active memoranda of understanding into the collective bargaining agreement between AMU and GDPSC:
Salary Schedule Column Advancement; and
Paycheck Schedule and Summer Savings Option, with Summer Savings as the default option.
Information on next steps including a webinar and the voting window will be released shortly through administrators and site reps.