About us

Collaboration, Professionalism, & Social Justice
(1) The Asociación de Maestros Unidos represents the collective leadership of education professionals of Green Dot Public Schools. We will actively support unionization efforts of other charter schools in California and assist any Green Dot Schools in organizing efforts in other states.
(2) We are a union of education professionals that believes in transformative education that supports, sustains and equips members with the skills and resources to meet students’ diverse cultural, linguistic and socioemotional needs. It is our goal that students leave our schools empowered with academic and self-advocacy skills for the future. We affirm the union's responsibility to collaborate with educational and community leaders so that students graduate prepared to meet 21st century knowledge and skill demands.
(3) We center members’ rights and needs to defend the professional autonomy and expertise of members. We believe the voices of all education professionals are integral for making school site and organizational decisions that protect the educational welfare of students. We believe in fairness, democracy, and collective care within our union and our schools. We believe that our members should hold Green Dot accountable to its original vision of teacher-led schools, and we advocate all members to have an active role in decision-making.
(4) We are committed to being anti-racist, anti-oppressive, and anti-discriminatory by standing in solidarity with labor, human rights, and community movements that aim to eliminate injustice and inequity within our school communities, the school system, and beyond. We believe that as public school education professionals, it is incumbent upon us to advocate for justice, equality, and equity, so that our students have empowering educational experiences.