
Your site rep is your first point of contact whenever you should have a question or concern regarding your rights as an AMU member. They also serve as the official representatives of AMU at your school site, as well as your representative at the Site Representative Council.
If you dont know who your site rep is, find them below!
Vacant? Step up and become an AMU leader on your campus!
School Site Representative
Animo City of Champions Rafaela Espinoza
Gladys Holguin
Animo Compton Anton Blakely
Dawn Fields
Animo Ellen Ochoa Vacant
Animo Florence Firestone Tara Harmon
Animo Inglewood Sasha Crossman
Stephanie Foard
Animo Jackie Robinson Maria Pozo
Ed Sugden
Animo James B. Taylor Todd Anderson
Kevin Wason
Animo Jefferson Elsi Mendez
Emily Miyazawa
Animo Leadership Jeffrey O'Brien
Danielle Oh
Animo Legacy Susanna Amezcua
Megen Bristow
Kayla Cahoon
Jason Goble
A. L. Locke College Prep. Academy Rafael Lugo
Saul Velazquez
Chloe Volz
Animo Mae Jemison DeAndre Minor
Animo Oscar De La Hoya Sandra Ochoa
Yvonne Pruitt
Animo Pat Brown Jenny Wu
Animo Ralph Bunche Krista Fukuyama
Jonathan Mull
Animo South Los Angeles Julia Gaytan
Dustin Stevenson
Animo Venice John Kannofsky
Animo Watts Jesus Martinez
Te’ Youman
Counselor Rep. At-Large Vacant